Best Landing Page Experiments that Worked

Adnan Umar
3 min readJan 10, 2022


If by some stroke of good luck life were A/B split test.

Consider it. That multitude of key decisions you make throughout everyday life.

Who to wed?

What school to go to?

What vehicle to purchase?

Remain where you’re working at present or escape and take the new proposition?

Obviously, you can’t split test these significant decisions.

So in any event, when you think back out of frustration and regret, in any event when you wish you had picked an alternate tone on that $25,000 kitchen redesign, you truly don’t have the foggiest idea how the alternative would have gone.
All around planned greeting pages can incredibly build transformations for your PPC or email marketing campaigns.

Making viable presentation pages isn’t equivalent to creating an effective site or email bulletin. There are sure rules you ought to stick to expand your page’s prosperity.

Greeting pages, similar to some other piece of your online marketing strategy, need objectives. Without concrete, explicit objectives, it’s absolutely impossible to make a successful page. Your objective ought to be clear before you start planning your page.

What is a landing page test?

A greeting page test is a point at which you make (at least two) variants of your presentation page (regularly known as a control and treatment) and serve these pages to an equivalent number of genuine clients thinking about genuine buy decisions.

By estimating the consequences of this genuine client conduct, you can figure out which greeting page approach turns out best for your organization.

That is the mechanics of a presentation page test. In any case, the achievement of a point of arrival test is driven by the advertiser.
Brain research to all the more likely to comprehend the client. Also, theory to all the more likely get yourself. All things considered, you assume a vital part in the achievement of your organization and your items.

So getting in the right outlook is critical to your organization’s prosperity. I trust these four experiments prod a few thoughts in you.


Clients might have anxiety that your item will not do what it says it will. Or on the other hand, show up when you say it ought to. Or then again even how you will manage the data they give you.

To build change on your presentation pages, experiment with ways of diminishing anxiety on your item pages. The MECLABS group ran an experiment to diminish anxiety on an item page to work on the deals of digital books. The group tested four unique renditions of the item page against the control.

  • A — Adjusted for anxiety in regards to site security.
  • B — Focused on the anxiety that the digital book would not be viable with the client’s understanding gadget.
  • C — Moved the item description up on the page. For this situation, the item description was a synopsis of the digital book to beat the anxiety
  • D — Adjusted for anxiety that is particularly important in the COVID-19 period transporting time. For this situation, since it is a virtual item, the transportation time alluded to how rapidly clients could get to the digital book.


Option C had the biggest impact with a 78% relative increase in conversion.

Presently, I don’t need you to see this experiment, and think I am letting you know that moving an item description higher on your item pages will practically twofold transformation. It may. Or on the other hand, it may not. Your clients and item are interesting.

The greater example is this — each endeavor to diminish anxiety expanded the transformation rate.

Thus, take a gander at your item pages.

Do your clients completely comprehend your item and satisfaction process?

What superfluous anxiety may your potential clients have?

What would you be able to impart to assist with calming that anxiety?

Making a high-changing greeting page starts with this interaction — posing key inquiries concerning how you can all the more likely serve the client, building speculations dependent on these inquiries, and afterward testing those theories to find what truly works.

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